Sunday, May 16, 2010


IMG00569-20100515-2159 OMFG!! I can’t believe this shit. After DYING to go back 2 Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, we go. So, Its already started off as a bad night when we couldn't find decent parking because of the Haitian Festival. Then the waiter kept forgetting parts of our order. I finish my shrimp and then realize that I don't feel so good. I’m thinking the shrimps didn't sit right and prepare 2 hit the bathroom when I get home. “Not So Much” *Borat voice* We walk towards Fat Tuesday’s and I think I’m gonna skip my drink. As we walk, my tongue and ears start itching. We all laugh and keep going. Then my head & waist starts to itch. Ok, now I’m not liking this. They turn around so say something and realize its much more serious… My face is now swelling up. 0_o oh shit! So my tongue is swelling around my tongue ring but not in an uncomfortable way. We ix-nay the Fat Tuesday’s and head to the car. Jeannette calls Lamar (Firefighter & Paramedic) and he says skip the EMS truck, give me some Benadryl and head to the closest hospital.
IMG00078-20100515-2342 Since I was the driver, My privileges were suspended and Jea hops in and Naomi is on the P-Side giving directions. Michelle & Janiya are in the back watching me. At this point, my eyes are itching, arms and torso are broken out in hives. This shit is NOT cool. We’re haulin ass up i95 to Jackson North and don’t really care about getting pulled over. FINALLY… We make it there.
Me & Naomi jump out, I’m scratchin the FUXX outta my body and breathing like a morbidly obese man. She’s looking for my info and talking to the triage lady. After 2mins, Naomi tells the lady I cant breath & she notices me sitting with my head tilted back to open me passage way. (That nursing program really helped me. I was always the one on the other side. It was crazy to be the patient.) She jumps around the desk and brings me to the back to get my IV started. She says I should be very happy to have good friends because ,my minutes were limited and had I come in a little later, There may have been a very BAD outcome. While this is all happening, I still have my phone. Ppl have different ways of coping so whatever ppl do 2 make themselves comfortable and not panic is fine by me. So now we go to the ER bed area and EMS is in the way. She pushes his outta the way and people are telling her she cant bring me yet. She ignores them & starts going off cuz precious time is wasting. My airway is on the line & i; prefer not to have a breathing tube.
35 seconds after Naomi tells them my name, Nurse Anne comes in & starts pushing meds through my IV. I can feel it in my nose. WTF?? Naomi is texting my ex, calling my mom, answering all questions about me and trying to keep me from panicking. Some how, it is all working out. We hear a lady screaming bloody murder and 3screams IMG00081-20100516-0009later, we hear a baby cry. Congrats lady! lol. After a while, I’m dead ass tired and KNOCK OUT. They keep waking me up to do shit & ask shit. Phones are dying, Jea had to take Michelle and the baby home. My mom is hysterical. and im freezing my ass off. THEN… they make me put on that ugly ass gown with my ass hanging out… Good thing I had on my new Vickys undies. ;) I walk to the bathroom & my cheeks are showing, fuck it, im sick. LOL.
IMG00082-20100516-1122Time goes on, I go back to sleep. The nurse got scared because I looked like I was dead. Sorry lady, I sleep with my mouth and eyes open. LOL. (shut up, don’t comment) Somehow, someway our phones manage to keep a good enough charge until Jeannette comes back to pick us up. GREAT! 4;30am rolls around and they let me leave. I hit the bed & lights out. Got my meds today & feel like caca doo doo. BLAH! & now Im back to normal.. I guess. But apparently im now allergic to shellfish and iodine. –_____- even though I’ve been eating shellfish my whole damn life. Womp Womp!
Special thanks to the fast acting friends for getting me to a hospital in one piece and to Kimi for staying up & on call if she needed to hit it to NMB. Also to the people who checked on me as this whole ordeal was taking place. You never know when something is going to happen to yourself or a loved one so cherish life and live it up!!

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