Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tis’ The Season…

As Christmas approaches, I can’t help but to think of my blessings. Of course I’m not as hyped up about Christmas like when I was a kid but it does bring back a lot of memories. And eff it… who doesn’t love presents?? As we know, many are unable to celebrate with gifts etc etc because they can’t afford it. I respect people who put their priorities in order. That’s the adult thing to do.
More often than not, we take the small luxuries we have for granted. When I had a car… I used to put major miles on it. I was paying for it so sh*t… Why not?? Now that I don’t have one at the moment.. Its hard but I don’t NEED a vehicle to survive. Its just a matter of convenience. As long as I can get to work and back, I really don’t care. People complain about how hot somebodies house is but think about the winter months and people who will damn near freeze to death because there is no heat.
I think about things like this on a regular but what REALLY made me was the fact that I sat in Miami Subs today after work and picked at my crispy chicken platter. After about 20mins, I ended up throwing away most of the chicken. As soon as I walked outside, I realized there was the homeless man that’s always on 6th ave & 167th. I’m sure he would have loved the food. No to mention its like 40 degrees outside. I felt like absolute crap. So… instead of saying “Next time” I called him over and asked if he had dinner. He said no so I took him in Miami subs for something to eat. When I came back, the staff was asking if I forgot something or needed something else. I just said no & gave the guy the meal ticket. As I walked out the door, one of the cooks stopped me and said “Thank you, I don’t know of ANY young person who has or will do something like that. You have a good heart.” We spoke for a few minutes and I was on my way down 6th.
The moral of the story is what good is it having money or life’s luxuries if you are selfish? I’m not rich by far but I do have a job and $5 is not going to break my pockets.

Happy Holidays to all.


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