Monday, October 14, 2013

Best Sex Ever

So, a friend and I ended up at lunch last week with a pretty cool (and well known) person and his friends. It was just a beautiful day around cool people. At some point during it all, the topic of sex came up. No in an x-rated, “let’s leave here” way but more so in an inquisitive sense. Everyone there had a few years on us so I guess it was kind of informative on our parts (at least speaking for myself it was). He asked at what age, where at, things along those lines. Also, if there was ever a case where you HAD to be drunk in order to have sex with a person. Personally, I don’t want to HAVE to get drunk. That basically means you don’t want to (or you’re a prostitute). Don’t get me wrong, drunk sex is pretty fun but not sloppy drunk sex. Just enough to push you along, if need be. Then came the “do you remember the best sex you’ve ever had?” question. For the first time, in a long time, I was stuck. I thought about it and after a few seconds he yelled out, “NOPE! You took too long”. I laughed but then I really sat there thinking, “what was the best sex I've ever had?”. Was it a drunken night? Was it a tie? Seriously. When? Where? Who? I’ve had some pretty damn good days/nights but I couldn’t come up with the ONE that I’ll never, ever forget because it was that damn good. So now, almost a week later, I’m still thinking. LOL DAMMIT!

This cant be life.

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