Wednesday, July 14, 2010


 Vida-Guerra So this morning, I noticed some foul shit on Twitter. A friend of mine had a picture on Twitter… that she didn’t put up. So naturally, I ask her (Not RT it) & of courseeee It wasn’t supposed to be there. It was a nice looking, not raunchy pic but either way, it was not intended for the whole Twitter world to see it. The SUPER foul part is it was her ex who did it. Badd Chicks usually attract psycho paths… I’m not sure the chemistry that’s involved but somehow, It happens that way. Niggas I tell you!! Can’t we all just break up, move on and continue living life?? And THIS is why I don’t send pictures of myself. Yes, I’m guilty of sending some interesting pix to my ex but he has NEVER been a Pussy Nigga… And besides that, I know all of his important info so it wouldn’t be hard to destroy his life. I don’t think he’d do that anyway.

SO… I say THAT to say THIS.. If you want to see me naked… You must see me in person. Thanks. =)

“Pussy Niggas Don’t Change” - Vee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I second that! I wish a ninja would! Well, no I don't. Lol