Saturday, March 27, 2010

Life Without It...


Who the hell thought it would be THIS hard to go without it?! This is cruel & unusual punishment. I have a new respect for all of those who are Celibate. MY GOODNESS. Some people probably think I'm exaggerating but I'm not. Don't get me wrong.. I wasn't ON IT like that but c'mon son... THIS LONG?! NEVERRR!! Lol.

As of today... I am 57 days "sober". Of course I know people who have gone a lot longer but I aint them! I'm close to my goal though. I still need to make it 7more days. I should just disappear off the Earth until then. Lol

But all in all, I did it for a purpose. Not to prove anything to anyone. I gave it up for Lent. I'm not Catholic but Sometimes its necessary for everyone to make sacrifices & SEX was mine. I GAVE IT UP. Who knows, I might just keep it up and go longer than Easter. BWAHAHA... Who am I fooling?? I'm bout ready 2snatch somebody's son up. BUT I have self-control. You'd be surprised at how many people don't.

Neways... I won't & don't recommend this for anyone... UNLESS medically necessary. #ThatIsAll.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LMAO - girrrrl!

I do reccomend it, though. I think sometimes we get wrapped up in the whole idea of sex, and it makes us feel like we need it. We're so used to having it readily available (some of us), that when it becomes a limited (or no) supply, we don't know what to do.

I'm starting to shake the withdrawal symptoms. But my time is almost up, too!! I'm proud of you, babybeh!